"BUNDLES FOR BABIES" is a new program that Mama Cindy has taken under her wing to help New Mothers.
She crochets baby blankets and creates receiving blankets and burp cloths to include in the
Bundles For Babies. There are two mini beenie babies donated by Lakeville McDonald's included
in each gift that is wrapped in clear plastic with multi-colored ribbon. With the donations that
she can't send overseas, she creates Gift Baskets for the New Mothers to enjoy. They have been donated
to Local Hospitals and New Mothers in her Community. If you know of a soldier having a new addition to
their family, send me their mailing information and I will send them a bundle for their baby.

The Shoulder Swals are croched out of yarn, created out of fleece and light weight festive material.
Theses are donated to the people in the hospital, senior citizens, new mom's, for nursing cover-ups
and for our veteran's. They are gifted all year long.

I make a rice bag out of muslin material and fill with uncooked rice. They are stiched closed and put inside a fleece
bag to cover. You take the rice bag out of the fleece bag, place in the microwave for 2 minutes and then place back
into the fleece bag. It is great to heat up the bed at night and also to use a heating pad over any soar muscle.
They can be used repeatedly. These are great for our troops to help warm them up.

The TraveL Coffee Mugs, I purchase for $1.00 at Dollar General. I now ship in their Starbucks Coffee
Care Packages. I fill each travel coffee mug with: drinks to go mixes, slim jims, suckers, peanuts,
and a variety of hard candy. This way, each soldier receives a variety of goodies in each coffee mug.

I fill a zip lock bag with a variety of travel size personal care items. When traveling on your vacation,
hotels have a variety of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, bar soap, sewing kits and shower caps for their
hotel customers. These are the perfect size to send to our soldiers.

It is my mission to put a Pocket Bible in the hands of every Soldier connected with the Mama Cindy Soldier
Program that wishes to have the Word Of The Lord At Hand. John Hobin, with Khouse, has secured the funding to
purchase the Pocket Bibles for this mission. To date, 717 Pocket Bibles have been shipped to Soldier Overseas.

This Program Is Helping Families Unite Through Reading. The Soldier makes a DVD of them reading the Children's Book
and then the Book and DVD is shipped home to their child. This way Mom's and Dad's can read to their children back
home. I also make Rainbow Bracelets and include them in each package. Supplies:Childrens Books, DVD-R's, Bubble
Mailing Envelopes and Rainbow Beads purchased at Wal*Mart.

My Father-in-Law was a Marine and Passed away January 10,2009. He shared stories of when he was deployed overseas.
One of his many stories was the "Diddy Box". He would receive a box with: 4 cigarettes, 1 pack of gum, 2 razors,
1 candy bar, 1 sewing kit and 5 peices of hard candy. I wanted to continue the "Program OF THE DIDDY BOX" in his
memory. I fill small boxes with goodies, seal them shut and on the outside of the box i write: To Any Soldier,
Big Hugs, Mama Cindy. I list everything that is in the box on the outside of the box for security reasons. I
can put 7 "Diddy Boxes" in a flate rate larger box. I ship them to a designated soldier to hand out to his
fellow soldiers. Even though my soldiers shre their packages, it is so nice to receive a package to open yourself.
I enclose a letter about the "Diddy Box" and pre-addresss note card so that the soldier receiving the package can
contact me. Once the connection is made, then they go on the active list and begin to receive packages until
they return home to the states. As of February 1, 2020, 4,484 Diddy Boxes have been sent.
Mama Cindy creates Receiving Blankets, Hats, and Burp Cloths for the New Born Babies Born at Dansville Hospital.
This is how the donations are created and donated to the Noyes Hospital in Dansville, New York.
Mama Cindy is working with the MOMS/PCAP/First Steps Program.
Mama Cindy donates "Bundles For Babies" & "Gift Baskets & Gift Bags" for Moms, Dads and the Little Children
for the "Most Wonderful Program Of Helping Local Families"
Total Donated As Of February 1, 2020, to Noyes First Steps Program, Strong Hospital, Ronald McDonald House and Local Charities:
Bundles for Babies: 656
Gift Baskets & Gift Bags: 2,985
Happy Meal Toys: 1,787
Beenie Babies: 11,369
New Born Hats & Receiving Blankets~250
Burp Cloths: 475
Canandaigua Veteran's Hospital Donation 2013
Fleece Blankets~~T-Shirts~~Handmade Pillowcases
200 Treat Bags Filled With Candy (4,000 Pieces)
Oasis First Donation Of Her Preemie Baby Clothes
Strong Children's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 2012
Donation For Care Givers Event 2012~~~~February 2013 Donation to Dansville Hospital

Donation Of Gift Bags Filled With Lotions, Perfumes and Specialty Soaps For New Moms At Dansville Hospital~~March 2013 Donation

Noyes Hospital First Steps Program Christmas 2014 Donation