Howie Sexton's BBQ Fund Raiser & Treats 4 Troops
$1,650.00 and 232 pounds of candy (7,924 pieces)
Another Donation For Our Troops Overseas!
Mama Cindy Reaches 13,680 "Care Packages"
and 6,301 "Diddy Boxes"
Shipped To Our Troops Overseas
Weighing 71,281 Pounds
February 14, 2005- March 1, 2025

"Bags Of Hope" For Our Homeless Veterans
Mama Cindy Makes And Fills With Personal Care Items
Donated To Canandaigua Veteran's Hospital

Donation From Growing Smiles Dentist Office
Halloween Candy For Our Troops
4,155 pieces weighing 104 Pounds

7,760 Packaged Christmas Cards
Sent To Our Troops So They Can Send Home Christmas Cards To Their Loved Ones
In Time For Christmas

Mama Cindy Created Gifts For Our Veteran's

"Socks For Soldiers"
Donated From The Made In America Store In Elma New York
Mama Cindy Soldier Program
Cynthia L. Strasburg
5002 Old Bald Hill Road
Hemlock, New York 14466
I wanted to share with you the wonderful program I created called the Mama Cindy Soldier Program.
I began a program of sending "Care Packages" to our military men and women stationed overseas on
February 14,2005. What a perfect date! The first packages were shipped out on February 18, 2005.
It all started with one soldier in one unit and now 17 years later, this program has sent
"Care Packages" to over 9,000 soldiers in hundreds of separate units stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan
Korea, Japan, Kuwait, Qatar, China, Turkey, Germany, Cuba, Egypt, Africa, Italy, United Arab Emirates,
Poland, Romania, Barbados, Norway, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Kosova, Spain, Jordon, Bahrain, Guam, Australia,
Honduras, Israel, Latvia, Niger, Micronesia, Hungary, Slovakia, Syria, Djibouti, Lithuania, Philippines,
Estonia and Pakistan.
In Each Package I send to a new soldier, I enclose a letter of how I was given their APO address and
that they are now adopted by Mama Cindy. I make sure to enclose information on how they can contact me
by internet or by regular mail by enclosing a pre addressed note card just incase they don't have access
to the internet. I encourage them to hand out the snack diddy boxes to their fellow soldiers if they would
like to be adopted by Mama Cindy. I tell them to "Make A Wish!" Each Unit has different needs and desires
depending on where they are located. It has to be smaller than a breadbox! For example, one unit asked for
sardines in oil. The sardines are high in protein and the oil was good for digestion. I was happy to grant this wish.
I also taped a package of baby wipes to each can of sardines with a note that read: Mama is taking care
of both ends! It is so important to send a bit of humor in each package.
It is now 2025 with more soldiers being shipped overseas. I try to reach the soldiers that aren't
getting much mail and try to send them a bit of home. I call it a "Hug In A Box!" If I put it in a package
something to help a soldiers physical, mental, emotion and spiritual needs, maybe, just maybe, that soldier
will be able to complete their mission safely and return once more to their loved ones at home. So many
times they write: "It is always nice to know that someone other than family cares and thinks about us!"
The Mama Cindy Soldier Fund is always in constant need of monetary funding for shipping the packages to
the Troops. I use flat rate boxes so that shipping one package to a soldier is $19.15 no matter how much
it weighs or where it is shipped around the world. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can
make your checks out to Cynthia Strasburg and put Donation For Troops on your memo line and send to Mama Cindy,
5002 Old Bald Hill Road, Hemlock New York 14466. If you would like to donate supplies, contact Mama Cindy
at (585)367-3780 for a time for either a pick up or delivery. Your donation will be used to ship a little bit
of home and comfort to those so far from their Loved Ones.
January 2025 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $800.00
Richard Bondi: $200.00
A total of 26 Care Packages weighing 180 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Qatar (2 Units). Poland (2 Units),
Djibouti (3 Units), Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lithuania, South Korea, United Kingdom, Cuba, Kuwait, Estonia, Pakistan,
Latvia and Southwest Asia (Undisclosed). Mama Cindy Baked for All 18 Units! A total of 56 Loves of Friendship Bread,
273 Brownies and 264 Bar Cookies were shipped Overseas.
February Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $1,000.00
Dawn Every: $177.00
A total of 35 Care Packages weighing 262 pounds was sent to Troops Deployed Overseas. A Variety of Valentines, chocolates,
Ramen noodles with hot sauce and a variety of travel snacks was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Djibouti (3 Units), Cuba,
Poland (3 Units). Kuwait, South Korea, Lithuania, Iraq, Estonia, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Latvia,
Southwest Asia (Air Force Undisclosed) and Army Unit Undisclosed. Also, for a K-9 Unit deployed to Djibouti: dog biscuits,
dog toys and tennis balls for our Military Working Dogs. February 14th (Valentines Day) marks 20 years of sending
Care Packages to Our Troops Deployed Overseas. God Bless Our Military!

January 2024 Donations:
Sons of American Legion 1279: $500.00
American War Dads Chapter 50: $500.00
Richard Bondi: $200.00
In the month of January, 65 Care Packages that included 40 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 266 pounds was shipped to
Troops Overseas. The Units were deployed to: Poland (6 Units), Bahrain, Lithuania, Japan, Kuwait (3 Units), Kosova,
Iraq (2 Units), Micronesia, Latvia (2 Units), Slovakia, Sailors aboard: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Theodore Roosevelt,
USS Philippine Sea and USS Carl Vinson. Mama Cindy bakes for her Troops in January. Giving them a Much Needed Coffee Break!
Included in those packages was: coffee, coffee filters, sugar, creamer, tea, hot chocolate, Friendship Bread (32 loaves),
brownies and bar cookies (524) and Sunday Comics. Also, adopting 2 new units to spoil. (Air Force/Japan and Army/Kuwait).
"A Great Way To Begin 2024!"
February 2024 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $230.95
Howie Sexton: $200.00
In February, 33 Care Packages that included 18 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 119 pounds was shipped to our Troops Overseas.
They were sent to: South Korea, Kuwait (2 Units), Poland (3 Units), Kosova, Latvia (2 Units), Iraq, Micronesia,
Japan and Sailors aboard the USS Gerald Ford and USS Philippine Sea. Funny Valentines, Valentine Cookies and Chocolates
was sent to every unit. February 14th marked the 19th year of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program and STILL GOING STRONG!
March 2024 Donations:
No Donations This Month
In the month of March, 63 Care Packages that included 29 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 332 Pounds was shipped to
Troops Overseas. They were deployed to: Slovakia, South Korea, Diego Garcia, Poland (4 Units), Iraq (3 Units),
Kuwait (4 Units), Micronesia, Cuba, Japan, Latvia (2 Units) and Sailors aboard the USS Eisenhower,
USS Philippine Sea, USS Gerald Ford and the USS Theodore Roosevelt. All Units received their Easter Candy
and Coffee Break Care Packages. Personal Care for Female Soldiers was also shipped.
April 2024 Donations:
Cindy's Customers: $175.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
In the month of April, 58 Care Packages weighing 322 pounds were shipped to Units Deployed to: Syria
Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Iraq, Micronesia, Diego Garcia, South Korea, Kuwait, Japan, Cuba and
Saudi Arabia. Also to our Sailors aboard: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Boxer and
Sailors aboard an Undisclosed Ship. A Variety of snacks, personal care, coffee makers with all the fixings
and cases of Girl Scout Cookies, New Socks (552 pairs), Breakfast Packages (702) and Lunch Packages (101)
was also shipped this month to Troops Overseas.
May 2024 Donations:
Friends of Mama Cindy: $670.00
Alice Tripi: $150.00
Ed Schroll: $25.00
In the month of May, 78 Care Packages that included 32 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 357 pounds were shipped to
our Troops Overseas. They were deployed to: Kuwait, Iraq, Japan, Slovakia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Deigo Garcia,
Cuba, South Korea, Djibouti, Australia and Sailors aboard: the USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Boxer and an Undisclosed Ship.
All Units (17 Deployed) were sent a variety of Girl Scout Cookies donated by Girl Scout Troop 54004 (Avon, NY).
June 2024 Donations:
American War Dads Chapter 54: $1,269.00
American War Dads Chapter 50: $500.00
Friends of Mama Cindy: $112.00
Cindy's Customers: $55.00
In June, a total of 22 Care Packages weighing 118 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Kuwait (2 Units), Iraq,
Syria, Poland (2 Units), Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Diego Garcia, Djibouti (2 Units), Australia, Sailors aboard
the USS Boxer and an Undisclosed Ship. Every Unit was sent a variety of snacks, coffee, tea and drinks to go
from the Whispering River Animal Rescue Donation. Included were 157 Lunch packs of Ramen Noodles with
drinks to go each in their own zip lock bag. Labor Of Love!
July 2024 Donations:
Forged Alliance Chapter 18 West: $3,271.00
(American Legion Riders Chapter 905: $200.00)
(Howie Sexton: $100.00)
(Steve Smuozin: $60.00)
(Paul Luther: $20.00)
United Methodist Church of Livonia: $189.03
July was a Very Busy Month with the Forged Alliance Chapter 18 West's 6th Annual Mama Cindy Bike Run for
our Troops Overseas. They raised a total of $3,271.00 in donations to help cover the cost of Supplies and
Shipping Care Packages to our Troops Overseas. Also, in the month of July, 45 Care Packages weighing
334 Pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Kuwait, Syria, Poland, Cuba, Diego Garcia, Djibouti
Australia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Sailors aboard the USS Wasp, Uss Boxer and the Uss Abraham Lincoln.
Just the Cost of Shipping in July was $947.60. A Huge Thank You to the Sea Cadets that Represented
Our Future Military at the Forged Alliance 6th Annual Bike Run in a "Thank You" to all 75 Bikers and Riders
for their Support of Our Troops Overseas.
August 2024 Donations:
Richard Bondi: $200.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
In the month of August, 65 Care Packages weighing 534 Pounds was shipped to our Troops Overseas. They were
sent to: Poland (2 Units), Syria, Kuwait (2 Units), Diego Garcia, Djibouti (5 Units), Iraq, Saudia Arabia,
Cuba, South Korea and Sailors aboard the USS Boxer, USS Wasp and the USS Abraham Lincoln. All Units
were sent a variety of snacks, Breakfast & Lunch packages, a variety of hunting, car and fishing magazines
(260). Also, Fun Things like: table tennis games, tower games, ball toss games, domino games, fidget
spinners, jump ropes, checker games and Yahtzee games. A Huge Thank You to All who donated Supplies
and Funding for Shipping to Keep Care Packages going to Our Troops Overseas!
September 2024 Donations:
Dept of Social Services: $700.00
Whispering River Animal Rescue: $500.00
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $202.10
Virginia Holberton: $50.00
In the month of September, 33 Care Packages weighing 304 Pounds were shipped to Troops Deployed to:
Kuwait (2 Units), Cuba, Djibouti (4 Units), Diego Garcia, Poland (2 Units), South Korea, Iraq and
Sailors aboard the: USS Wasp, USS Boxer and USS Abraham Lincoln. A variety of personal care, snacks,
coffee makers with all the fixings to New Units Adopted, hair cutting kits, games, puzzle books,
card games and a variety of hunting and fishing magazines (378 total). So Blessed to have such
support to be able to continue sending care packages to Our Troops Overseas. Thank You Everyone!
October 2024 Donations:
Howie Sexton: $150.00
In the month of October, 75 Care Packages that included 60 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 131 pounds
were shipped to Troops Deployed to: Djibouti (3 Units), Iraq, Cuba (2 Units), Kuwait (2 Units),
Poland, Syria, Diego Garcia and Qatar. A variety of snacks, personal care, coffee with fixings and
supplies for our Military Working Dogs was shipped. The Scottsburg Highlanders 4-H Group
donated 396 Christmas Cards signed by Hemlock Fair Goers to be included in the Soldier's Christmas Packages.
November 2024 Donations:
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #282: $300.00
Conesus Golden Years Club: $100.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Gloria Bansbach: $50.00
In November a total of 48 Care Packages that included 10 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 285 pounds was shipped
to our Troops Overseas. They were deployed to: Kuwait (3Units), Poland (2 Units), Djibouti (8 Units),
Cuba (2 Units), Diego Garcia, Qatar, South Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Southwest Asia (Undisclosed)
and Sailors aboard the USS Wasp. Mama Cindy adopted 8 more units deployed overseas. Every Unit was sent
a variety of Christmas Cards with a pen packaged 10 per zip lock bag. A total of 4,140 Christmas Cards
were sent so they would be able to send Christmas Cards home to their Loved Ones in time for Christmas.
God Bless Our Military!
December 2024 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $2,500.00
Francis M. Dalton Post 282: $250.00
Alice Tripi: $150
Tuscarara Presbyterian Church: $60.00
December was very busy for Mama Cindy. A total of 113 Care Packages that weighed 767 pounds were shipped to 20 Units
(1,303 Troops) Overseas. Even 488 wrapped Christmas Gifts, 1.398 Signed Christmas Cards and 622 Candy Canes were included.
Packages were shipped to Troops Deployed to: Cuba, Diego Garcia, USS Wasp, Kuwait, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
South Korea, Iraq, United Kingdom, Poland and Southwest Asia (Undisclosed). Christmas was shipped to our Military
Men, Women and Military Working Dogs. Mama Cindy shipped ALL DONATIONS! A Perfect way to end 2024! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

January 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $250.00
Livonia Volunteer Fire Dept: $100.00
Michael & Mary Sharman: $100.00
In the month of January, 17 Care Packages weighing 178 pounds was shipped to Troops Overseas. Included in those
packages was: coffee, coffee filters, sugar, creamer, tea, hot chocolate, Valentine's Chocolates (3,150 pieces)
and Baked Goods. Mama Cindy Bakes for our Troops in the month of January. There was 4 kinds of Friendship Bread,
Brownies and 4 different kinds of Bar Cookies. All shipped in time for Valentine's Day!
February 2023 Donations:
American War Dad's Chapter 54: $1,016.00
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $755.00
Son's Of American Legion Post 1279: $400.00
A total of 30 Care Packages weighing 251 Pounds was shipped to Units Deployed to: Djibouti, Poland, South Korea,
Latvia, Cuba, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and Marines aboard the USS Makin Island. Mama Cindy adopted 5 New Units Deployed Overseas.
They were shipped Coffee Makers, coffee, coffee filters, sugar, creamer and snacks. A total of 220 DVD Movies
were shipped with popcorn, drinks to go, trail mix, beef sticks and a variety of candy. "Taking A Soldier To The Movies!"
Troops also received boot insoles, foot powder, black socks and 2023 calendars. GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY!
March 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $260.00
A total of 26 Care Packages weighing 213 pounds was shipped to Troops Stationed Overseas to: Djibouti, Jordan
South Korea, Syria, Kuwait, Cuba, Bahrain, Latvia, Poland, Qatar and Marines aboard the USS Makin Island.
New Units adopted received their coffee makers with all the supplies. A variety of personal care items
for males and females was also shipped. A total of 539 Easter Candy (55 pounds) was sent to all Units along with
toothbrushes and toothpaste. For our K-9's, a variety of rope toys, tennis balls and special treats
was included in those packages. Labor of Love!
April 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $915.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Greg Matuch, Bob Gromlovits, Johm DuBois: $40.00
In the month of April, 56 Care Packages weighing 436 pounds was shipped to Troops Overseas in 15 Units.
(622 Military Men, Women and K-9's). Units deployed to: Latvia, South Korea, Poland, Kuwait(2),
Djibouti(2), Cuba, Qatar, Syria(2), Jordan, Bahrain, Hungary and Marines aboard the USS Makin Island.
A Truck Load of Supplies was delivered on 04/08/2023 and ALL Supplies were shipped To Troops
Overseas by 04/28/2023. God Bless Our Military!
May 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $505.00
Dansville Women's Civic Club: $250.00
Richard Bondi: $200.00
Alice Tripi: $150.00
Mike Sharman: $40.00
In May, a total of 25 Care Packages weighing 161 pounds were shipped to Troops Overseas Deployed to:
Kenya, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Cuba, Djibouti, Syria, Jordan, Germany, Poland and Marines aboard the
USS Makin Island. Coffee and Supplies kept flowing to Troops Overseas. Mama Cindy adopted 6 New Units.
A Unit in Syria was sent 2 IHOP Packages that included: pancake mixes, syrups, apple pie, cherry pie
and blueberry pie fillings along with dry fruits and trail mix. Also included was a variety of coffee,
coffee filters, tea, creamers and sugar. I was so Blessed to receive a picture of pancakes on their
griddle and a plate piled high of pancakes with the apple pie filling on top! "Pancakes For The Soul!"
June 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $877.00
In June, a total of 31 Care Packages that included 12 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 157 pounds was shipped
to Units Deployed Overseas to: Kuwait, Kenya, Djibouti, Niger, Kosova and Lithuania. The Whispering
River Animal Rescue, from Buffalo, did a Fund Raiser for their Rescue and to provide supplies for
Our Troops Overseas thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Two SUV's loads of supplies were donated.
There was 3,347 variety of items donated. Mama Cindy will be busy sorting, packaging and shipping
to our Troops Deployed Overseas. Thank You to Everyone who donated. God Bless Our Military Men,
Women and Military Working Dogs!
July 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $871.00
Forged Alliance Chapter 28: $600.00
Whispering River Animal Rescue: $500.00
Kimberly Gebo: $200.00
Dick Hartman: $100.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Jennifer Hartman: $50.00
Greg Matuch: $20.00
In July, a total of 94 Care Packages that included 19 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 501 pounds were shipped to Troops Deployed to:
Kuwait, Germany, Hungary, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Lithuania, Kosova and Niger. Thank You Everyone that
donated supplies and funding for shipping. "Home Town Support For Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas!"
August 2023 Donations:
Forged Alliance Chapter 18 West: $2,731.00
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $1,320.46
First Presbyterian Church Of Livonia: $150.00
In the month of August, 82 Care Packages weighing 560 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Poland, Jordan, Syria,
Kuwait, Djibouti, Niger, Kosova, Germany, Philippines, Latvia and Marines aboard ship. The Forged Alliance Chapter 18 West
donated proceeds from their 5th Annual Mama Cindy Program Bike Run ($2,731.00). God Bless Our Military!
September 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation Donation: $360.00
James & Mary Ann Springer: $100.00
In the month of September, 21 Care Packages weighing 189 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Jordan, Iraq, Hungary,
Niger, Poland, Syria, Kuwait, Qatar, Kosova and the Philippines. Mama Cindy adopted two New Units. An Army Unit in Poland
and Marines in the Philippines. They both were shipped coffee makers and all the supplies for a much needed "Coffee Break!"
The other units were shipped a variety of magazines and travel snacks.
October 2023 Donations:
Howie Sexton's BBQ: $1,650.00
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 294: $250.00
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $150.00
In October, 18 Care Packages weighing 166 pounds was shipped to Military Units Deployed to: Poland (3), Kuwait, Germany and Sailors
aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Carl Vinson. Mama Cindy adopted 6 New Units in the month of October. New Coffee
Makers with all the supplies were sent to these units. All units also received travel snacks, magazines and Sunday Comics.
Gearing up for Christmas! All 19 Units (773 Troops) will be deployed overseas for Christmas. Thank You for your continued
support! God Bless Our Military!
November 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $920.00
Friends of the Livonia Library: $250.00
Livonia Rotary: $200.00
Francis M. Dalton Post 282: $250.00
Livonia Library Basket Raffle: $135.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Donna Hahn: $100.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Dave Drass: $50.00
Jennifer Hartman: $50.00
Greg Matuch & Bob Gromlovits: $45.00
In the month of November, 108 Care Packages that included 12 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 865 pounds was sent to Troops Overseas to:
Syria, Jordan, Philippines, Bahrain, Kosova, Kuwait, Iraq (3 Units), Poland (6 Units), Lithuania, Latvia (2 Units), Marines
aboard ship, Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson, USS Gerald R. Ford and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. I currently have
22 Units (789 Troops) deployed thru Christmas. Howie Sexton's Treats 4 Troops donated 232 pounds of candy (7,924 pieces).
All was shipped to all 22 Units to Enjoy! A total of 22 Christmas Game Care Packages was also sent to all 22 Units.
Inside was a table top Christmas tree, lights, table cloth, variety of games wrapped in Christmas paper (440 Wrapped),
snacks and popcorn. I put a note inside that says: Open Now! Don't wait till Christmas. Enjoy the fun. Gearing
up to send wrapped Christmas Gifts to All Units in the month of December. Sending Much Love In Every Package!
December 2023 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation: $610.00
Francis M. Dalton Auxiliary 282: $300.00
Campbell American Legion Auxiliary 1279: $200.00
Alice Tripi: $150.00
Mary Randall: $100.00
Gloria Bansbach: $50.00
In the month of December, 82 Care Packages weighing 589 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Iraq, Latvia,
Bahrain, Poland, Syria, Kuwait, Lithuania, Kosova, Jordan, Philippines, Micronesia, Slovakia and Sailors aboard
the USS Gerald Ford, USS Eisenhower and the USS Carl Vinson. All 22 Units (789 Troops) received wrapped Christmas
presents, a variety of candy canes, Christmas chocolates, signed Christmas cards, coffee with all the fixings
tea, hot chocolate, and apple cider. Thank You Everyone for your Continued Support of our Troops Deployed
Overseas thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program.

January 2022 Donations:
American War Dads Chapter 54: $2,169.00
Shirley Mazer: $25.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In January 108 Care Packages that included 80 Snack Diddy Boxes was shipped Overseas to Troops weighing 373 pounds.
Mama Cindy adopted 80 New Soldiers. Also, in January, 256 Funny Valentines with 1,265 pieces of chocolates and over
300 baked goods that included: brownies, cookies (chocolate chip, sugar, molasses, peanut butter and oatmeal raisin)
hot chocolate and Friendship bread was shipped to Our Troops Overseas. Sending Love From Home!
February 2022 Donations:
Richard Bondi: $100.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In February, a total of 32 Care Packages that included 16 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 232 pounds was shipped to 11 Units
Deployed Overseas. Funny Valentines with chocolates (2,668 pieces) packaged cookies and hot chocolate was shipped.
February 14th marked the 17th year of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Thank You For Your Continued Support.
March 2022 Donations:
ABATE of NY: $80.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In March, a total of 22 Care Packages weighing 160 pounds was shipped to Troops Deployed to Qatar, South Korea, Syria,
Kuwait, Poland and Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson. Mama Cindy adopted a Medical Unit stationed in Qatar that takes
care of Wounded Soldiers of All Branches of the Military deployed to Qatar. Mama Cindy makes "Bags Of Hope" for
our wounded Soldiers and fills with clothing, personal care items, travel snacks, reading and writing material,
puzzle books, pens and travel games. Also, travel coffee mugs are sent filled with coffee, tea, drinks to go,
beef sticks, cookies and a variety of hard candy.
April 2022 Donations:
Howie Sexton's BBQ: $2,263.00
Kathleen Bogumil: $100.00
Richard Hartman: $75.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
David Drass: $50.00
Greg Matuch, Bob Gromlouits, John DuBois, Rich Tomaino: $65.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In April, a total of 125 Care Packages that included 54 Snack Diddy Boxes for New Soldiers Adopted, weighing 769 pounds
was shipped to Troops Deployed to: Kuwait, Syria, Qatar, Poland, Japan, South Korea, Jordon, Djibouti, Spain, Israel,
Bahrain and Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson. The total cost of shipping was paid by: Monetary Donations from
the Buffalo Donation, Howie Sexton's BBQ and the 705 Walnut Avenue Foundation Donation. The total cost of shipping
in April was $1,522.00. Thank You Everyone!
May 2022 Donations:
Peggy Lockwood: $25.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In the month of May, 57 Care Packages that included 30 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 314 Pounds was shipped to Our Troops
Overseas. Packages were shipped to Units Deployed to: Jordon, Bahrain, Djibouti, Syria, Kuwait, Qatar, South Korea,
Israel and Sailors aboard the USS Kearsarge. Personal Care for Female Soldiers was shipped to Females in those units.
Currently, I have 175 Female Soldiers Deployed Overseas. A variety of DVD Movies with trail mix, popcorn and
drinks to go was also included. My "Take A Soldier To The Movies" program. Thank you Heather Burley for your
donation of DVD Movies. Besides the travel snacks and personal care items, note cards with pens and envelopes
created by Linda Jennejahn was also included in those care packages. Thank You Everyone For Your Kind & Giving Hearts!
June 2022 Donations:
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In the month of June, 57 Care Packages that included 44 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 146 Pounds was shipped to Our
Troops Overseas. Packages were shipped to Units Deployed to: Qatar, Honduras, Kuwait and Jordan. Mama Cindy
adopted 4 New Units and Snack Diddy Boxes was shipped to Everyone in those Units! Avon School Health Class
did a fund drive for our Troops and Everything they donated was shipped to Troops Overseas. Thank You for
your continued support of our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas. "God Bless Our Military!"
July 2022 Donations:
Alice Tripi: $150.00
Kathleen Bogumil: $150.00
Robert Miller & Rose Marie: $100.00
Michael & Deborah Clemons: $100.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Bob Gromlovits, Greg Matuch, John DuBois: $65.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Peggy Lockwood: $50.00
David Drass: $50.00
In the month of July, a total of 48 Care Packages that included 9 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 325 pounds
was shipped to Troops Overseas in: Kuwait, Djibouti, Saudia Arabia, Honduras, Bahrain, Poland, Jordan,
South Korea, Latvia, Japan, Qatar and Israel. Thank You to Diane Judson, Richard Hartman and Peggy Lockwood
for bringing a Truck Load of Donations and Monetay Donations to help cover the cost of Shipping and
Supplies needed to put into the Care Packages and Snack Diddy Boxes. God Bless our Troops Serving
Our Country Overseas!
August 2022 Donations:
Forged Alliance West Chapter 18: $3,145.00
Christopher Cook: $200.00
In the month of August, "100" Care Packages that included 68 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 389 pounds was shipped
to Troops Overseas in: Poland, South Korea, Djibouti, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Niger, Somalia and
Sailors aboard the USS Kearsage and the USS George H.W. Bush. The Forged Alliance West Chapter 18 raised a total
of $3,445.00 from their 4th Annual Mama Cindy Soldier Program Bike Run. For Sure making it possible to keep
Care Packages and Snack Diddy Boxes shipped to our Troops Overseas Serving Our Country! A Huge Thank You To All!
September 2022 Donations:
The American War Dads Chapter 54: $1,265.00
Jill Beagle: $100.00
In the month of September, 44 Care Packages that included 22 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 250 pounds was shipped to
Troops Serving Our Country Overseas in: Djibouti, Bahrain, Poland, Kuwait, Romania, Niger, Jordan, Somalia,
Saudia Arabia, Honduras, South Korea, and Sailors aboard the USS George H.W. Bush. A variety of hard candy and
mini chocolate bars (3,471 pieces) was shipped in those care packages. Seven Units deployed to: Djibouti,
Bahrain, Poland and Kuwait will be returning home at the end of October (324 Troops). They received their
Last Care Packages in September. Mama Cindy adopted New Units deployed to Poland and Romania. Thank You
to the American War Dads Chapter 54 for your monetary donation, keeping Care Packages going to Our Troops
Deployed Overseas. Jill Beagle's donation purchased new black socks asked by ALL Units on their "Wish List!"
God Bless Our Military!
October 2022 Donations: 0
In the month of October, 119 Care Packages weighing 346 pounds were shipped to Troops Deployed to: Poland
Romania, Japan, Djibouti, Kuwait, Qatar, Korea, Lativa, Honduras, Niger and Sailors aboard the USS George H.W. Bush.
Mama Cindy adopted 110 New Troops and send them all Snack Diddy Boxes. A total of 3,560 Christmas Cards
packaged 10 per zip lock bag with a pen were shipped to Units Deployed Overseas. This way they will have time
to send Christmas Cards home to their Loved ones in time for Christmas.
November 2022 Donations:
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 282: $300.00
American Legion Post 282: $250.00
Richard Bondi: $200.00
Richard Hartman: $100.00
Connie Leary: $100.00
Joanne Raguso: $50.00
Margaret Lockwood: $50.00
David Drass: $50.00
Diane Judson: $50.00
Greg Matuch, Bob Gromlouits, John DuBois: $45.00
Edward Schroll: $25.00
Gary Guagliardo: $20.00
In November 87 Care Packages that included 15 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 552 pounds was shipped to our Troops Overseas.
Howie Sexton's 7th Annual Treats For Troops fun drive collected 10,244 pieces of candy. There was 1,550
large candy bars and 621 treat bags filled with 14 pieces of candy. This year, Howie Sexton supplied
enough candy for all 17 Units and everyone in each unit deployed to 12 countries. All was shipped out in
November. Michelle Irish donated 70 blankets that were shipped to our Troops in Latvia, Poland and Romania.
Coffee makers with coffee, coffee filters, sugar and creamers were shipped to 17 Units serving our country overseas.
Each had a note that I would continue to send them coffee and supplies their complete deployment! God Bless Our Military!
December 2022 Donations:
Harrison Lee American Legion Post 283: $500.00
Alice Tripi: $150.00
Livonia Post Office Employees: $130.00
Wayne Ciluffo: $100.00
Gloria Bansbach: $100.00
Helen Wiedemann: $60.00
Virginia Holberton: $50.00
Roy White Enterprises: $50.00
Jackie Stivers: $25.00
In December a total of 124 Care Packages that included 25 Snack Diddy Boxes weighing 723 pounds was shipped
Overseas. A total of 692 wrapped Christmas Presents filling 110 packages weighing 626 pounds was shipped
to Troops Overseas in the First 16 Days of December! Christmas was supplied to 369 Troops in 17 Units
Deployed to 13 Countries. Labor Of Love!

January 2021 Donations:
Juana Mendoza-Guerrero: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $25.00
A total of 65 Care Packages that included 60 Snack Diddy Boxes were sent to New Units Overseas. When Mama Cindy adopts a New Unit
Snack Diddy Boxes are shipped to each one in that Unit. Thank You For Your Continued Support. God Bless Our Military!
February 2021 Donations:
American War Dads Chapter 54: $1,100.00
Dawn Every: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $80.00
A total of 35 Care Packages were shipped to Troops Overseas in: Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Africa, United Arab Emirates, Greece,
Bahrain, Afghanistan and Sailors aboard the USS John S. McCain and the USS Somerset. Valentine Cards, Chocolates (3,620 pieces),
51 Loaves of Friendship Bread for Valentine's Day were shipped to our Troops. Valentine's Day marks the 16th year of
The Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Also, a much needed "Coffee Break" with a variety of snacks, home baked cookies,
coffee, tea, hot chocolate and drinks to go was shipped. Even sending Dog Treats, tennis balls and rope toys were shipped
to Our Military Working Dogs. God Bless Our Military!
March 2021 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $125.00
A total of 61 Care Packages that included 50 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Our Troops Overseas. In March, Mama Cindy
Adopted four more units Deployed Overseas. An Army Unit in Poland, a Marine Unit in Kuwait, a Marine Unit aboard
ship (Undisclosed) and a Army Unit in Saudi Arabia. When Mama Cindy adopts a New Unit, Snack Diddy Boxes are shipped
enough for each one in that unit. Easter Candy (1,415 Pieces) was shipped in March. Now, personal care items are
being shipped to our Troops. Included in those packages are: new socks, wipes, deodorant, q-tips, hand wipes,
toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, bar soap, razors and female
products. We need to take care of Our Soldiers Overseas because they are taking care of US. Fighting For Our
Freedom. God Bless Our Military!
April 2021 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $390.00
In the month of April, 73 Care Packages that included 42 Diddy Boxes were sent to New Units Deployed Overseas.
Mama Cindy adopted five New Units: Army Unit in Poland, Army Unit in Germany, Army Unit in Saudi Arabia (All Females),
Sailors aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and Marine Unit in Australia. Also K-9 Toys and Treats were sent to
K-9 Units Deployed to Africa, Afghanistan, Bahrain and Kuwait. Supplies for their handlers was also sent.
A Huge Thank You to Our Troops Serving Our Country!
May 2021 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $45.00
Don Detmer: $25.00
Juana Mendoza Guerrero: $20.00
In May, a total of 54 Care Packages that included 421 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas in:
Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, USS Somerset and A New Unit of Airman aboard ship ( Undisclosed). These supplies
shipped weighed 172 pounds. God Bless Our Military Past/Present/Future!
June 2021 Donations:
Coppeta Heating Contractor, LLC: $200.00
Michael Clemons: $100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Zeh: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $65.00
In June, Mama Cindy shipped 101 Care Packages that included 61 Snack Diddy Boxes to Troops Deployed Overseas in
Kuwait, Africa, Afghanistan, Poland, Australia and Sailors aboard the USS John S. McCain and the USS Carl Vinson.
Mama Cindy Adopted 61 Soldiers serving in Kuwait and Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson with everyone in those
Units receiving a Snack Diddy Box along with Ramon noodles, chicken salad with crackers, playing cards and dice games
for each one. The cost of supplies was $734.98 and the cost of shipping was $867.98. Thank You for your continued
support of Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. "Together We Are Making
A Difference In A Soldier's Life!" God Bless Our Military!
July 2021 Donations:
SGT Devin Snyder Memorial Foundation: $2,000.00
Jill Beagle: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $85.00
Roy White Enterprises: $50.00
In the month of July 74 Care Packages that included 64 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Deployed to
Africa (K-9 Unit), 2 New Army Units Deployed to Kuwait and Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson. Mama Cindy
adopted 64 Soldiers & Sailors in July. Thank You to the SGT Devin Snyder Foundation for their donation of
$2,000.00 from their Annual Bike Run. Thank You Everyone for your continued support of sending Care Packages
to Our Troops Overseas. God Bless Our Military!
August 2021 Donations
Richard Bondi: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $426.00
In the month of August, 86 Care Packages that included 42 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops in: Kuwait,
Australia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Poland, Qatar and Sailors aboard the USS Carl Vinson. Thank You to the
After 50 News Readers for your monetary donation of $426.00 and a Truck Load of Supplies for our Troops
Serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military!
September 2021 Donations
Forged Alliance West: $5,250.00
Whispering River Rescue: $945.00
Jill Beagle: $100.00
Richard Hartman: $50.00
After 50 News Readers: $85.00
Peggy Lockwood: $30.00
A total of 165 Care Packages that included 115 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped in September. The total weight of
the packages shipped was 596 pounds. Each Diddy Box represents a New Soldier Adopted. The Forged Alliance West
raised $5,250.00 from their 3rd Annual Bike Run. The Whispering River Rescue, located in Buffalo, donated $945.00
and a Truck Load of Supplies for our Troops that included: travel snacks, personal care items, supplies for our
K-9's and a variety of games and puzzle books. I Adopted New Units Deployed Overseas. Army Unit in Honduras,
Army Units and Marine Units in Kuwait, Army Unit in Kosovo, Airforce Unit in Qatar and Sailors aboard the
USS Portland and the USS Essex. Currently, I have 15 Units deployed until 2022. Together We ARE making
a difference in a Soldier's Life Serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military!
October 2021 Donations
Alice Tripi: $25.00
A total of 48 Care Packages that included 12 Snack Diddy Boxes, weighing 346 pounds were shipped to Troops
Overseas. The rest of the donations from the Whispering River Rescue Fund Drive was shipped. They also
covered the cost of shipping. Packages were shipped to units overseas in: Africa-K-9 Unit, 3 Army Units in Kuwait,
An Army Unit in Honduras, Marine Unit in Barbados and Sailors aboard the: USS Carl Vinson, USS Essex and
USS Portland. Thank You Everyone for your donations for our Troops serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military
November 2021 Donations:
705 Walnut Avenue Foundation & Geneseo Kiwanis: $15,000.00
Campbell American War Dads Chapter 54: $1,142.50
Buffalo People: $325.00
Francis M. Dalton Post 282: $250.00
Mary Tomaka: $75.00
Alice Tripi: $25.00
In the month of November, 102 Christmas Care Packages weighing 929 pounds was shipped Overseas to help bring Christmas to
Our Troops. The total cost of shipping was $1,917.20. Thank You to the Livonia Post Office for processing all those packages.
There was 1,302 gifts that included table top Christmas Trees, lights with batteries, Christmas table cloths and 1,158
wrapped gifts for our Troops to Open! A total of 5,634 Christmas Cards with pens were shipped to Units Overseas so they
could have enough time to send home to their Loved ones in time for Christmas. 12,000 pieces of candy was shipped to Units
overseas from the Treats For Soldiers Fund Drive that Howie Sexton and the Boy Scout Shark Partrol of Troops #4074 in Livonia
New York collected. Even our Military Working Dogs stationed in Africa and Kuwait received Dog Biscuits, Rope Toys and Tennis Balls
donated by people in Buffalo. A total of 23 Units received Christmas for Everyone in Their Unit! Thank You For Your
Support Of Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas this Christmas Season. God Bless Our Military!
December 2021 Donations:
In the month of December, 49 Care Packages weighing 443 pounds was shipped to our Troops Overseas. Wrapped Christmas Gifts
were sent to our Troops in Kuwait, Africa, Kosova, Honduras, Qatar, Barbados, Japan and Poland. Also to Sailors aboard
the USS Portland, USS Carl Vinson and the USS Essex. Mama Cindy adopted 3 more units that received table top Christmas Trees
with lights and batteries, Christmas table cloths, tins of butter cookies, jars of peanuts, dart games, checker games,
playing cards, dice and new socks. All 26 Units received wrapped Christmas gifts to open in time for Christmas. Men received
shaving gift sets and body wash gift sets. The women received shampoo and conditioner gift set and body wash and lotion
gift sets. All received new socks. The Military Working Dogs received dog biscuits, treats, tennis balls and rope toys.
The Geneseo Christian School Students baked brownies (160) for our Troops. The ARC of Mt. Morris people bagged candy (200 pcs)
for our Troops. All was shipped overseas to 3 Units in Kuwait. Thank You Everyone For Your Donations For Our Troops Overseas.
Your Kind and Giving Hearts Brought Christmas To Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military!

January 2020 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $78.00
Patty Lookup: $50.00
A total of 74 Care Packages that included 45 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped in January. Mama Cindy Bakes for her Troops
Overseas in January. A total of 537 Baked Goods (Brownies, Cookies and Friendship Bread) with a variety of hard candy
tea, coffee to go, hot chocolate, Valentines and Sunday comics were shipped to Units in Norway, Qatar, Afghanistan,
Italy, Bahrain, Africa, Kuwait and Sailors aboard the USS Harry S. Truman. Also, 1,120 Dog Treats were shipped to
Our Military Working Dogs Overseas. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
February 2020 Donations:
American War Dads Chapter 54: $300.00
Son's Of American Legion Post 1279: $200.00
After 50 News Readers: $180.65
A total of 12 packages that included 6 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas. The Campbell American
Legion Post 1279, Campbell American War Dads and Campbell Son's Of The American Legion donated Two Truck Loads
of Supplies and $500.00 in monetary funding to help cover the cost of shipping care packages to our Troops Overseas.
In February, many New Units were Adopted by the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Always an Honor to send supplies sent
with Love from many and wrapped in Hugs by Mama Cindy. Thank You for your continued support of our Military Men,
Women and Military Working Dogs Serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military!
March 2020 Donations:
Linda Reed: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $52.30
A total of 130 Care Packages that included 106 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped overseas to Troops Deployed to Afghanistan
Kuwait, Cuba, Africa and South Korea. Mama Cindy also created and donated 124 face masks to people of need in her
community. God Bless Our Military and Those of Need in America and Around The World. "All Is In God's Hands!"
April 2020 Donations
After 50 News Readers: $220.00
Margaret Schuster: $100.00
Kevin Leary: $100.00
Tobias Learn: $100.00
Bruce & Sharon Finster: $75.00
Howard Harris: $75.00
Judy Pastusec: $50.00
Rebecca Jones: $40.00
Christopher Rider: $25.00
Jack Greco: $25.00
In the month of April, 26 Care Packages that included 24 Snack Diddy Boxes, were shipped to our Troops Overseas in
Afghanistan, South Korea and Africa. The K-9 Units also received a variety of Dog Biscuits and Dog pull toys and
Tennis balls for our Military Working Dogs. A donation of Girl Scout Cookies were shipped in those packages along with
coffee, tea, hot chocolate and a variety of drinks to go to Give Our Troops a "MUCH NEEDED" Coffee Break From Home!
Also in April, Mama Cindy created and donated 326 face masks to people of need. God Bless Our Military and People
Of Need. All Is In God's Hands! Thank You For Your Continued Support! Together "WE ARE" making a difference in Someone's Life!
May 2020 Donations:
Kevin Leary: $100.00
Kimberly Wood: $40.00
After 50 News Readers: $25.00
In May a total of 12 Snack Diddy Boxes was shipped to a New Unit. They are Marines stationed in Kuwait. Many donations
for our Troops have been shipped to Mama Cindy for our K-9 Units Overseas for both Handlers and Military Working Dogs.
Packages are getting ready to ship to our K-9 Units Overseas in June. Thank You for your Kind & Giving Hearts!
God Bless Our Troops & America!
June 2020 Donations:
Richard Bondi: $100.00
Juana Mendoza Guerrero: $50.00
After 50 News Readers: $25.00
In June, 54 Care Packages that included 36 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas in Afghanistan, Africa,
Kuwait, Romania, South Korea and Cuba. In those Care Packages were also personal care items for our Military Working
Dogs. Thank You for your Continued Support of Our Troops thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. "God Bless Our Military!"
July 2020 Donations:
Forged Alliance West: $3,633.00
After 50 News Readers: $41.65
In July, Mama Cindy shipped a total of 287 Care Packages that included 366 Snack Diddy Boxes to Troops Overseas.
Three more Units were adopted in July (145 Soldiers to Spoil!) (Army, Airforce, Navy and Marines). On July 18th
Mama Cindy shipped her 10,000th Care Package Overseas. It was shipped to a K-9 Unit in Africa for our 2 legged & 4 legged
Soldiers. The Forged Alliance West help their 2nd Annual Bike Run for the Mama Cindy Soldier Fund. In July 2019
they had 24 Bikes and raised $1,705.00 in monetary donations. On July 18, 2020, they had 72 Bikes and raised
$3,633.00 in monetary Donations. Thank You Everyone for your continued support of the Mama Cindy Soldier Fund
sending Care Packages Overseas for our Military Men, Women and Military Working Dogs serving our country overseas.
Together, We Are making a difference in a Soldier's Life Serving Our Country Overseas! "God Bless Our Military!"
August 2020 Donations:
Ann Myers: $2,500.00
After 50 News Readers: $190.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
Juana Mendoza Guerrero: $100.00
In August, 145 Care Packages that included 70 Snack Diddy Boxes was shipped to our Troops in Afghanistan,
Africa, Kuwait and Cuba. It was my Goal to ship All Personal Care Items, Reading & Writing Material, Travel Snacks
and K-9 Supplies on hand overseas to our Military Men, Women and Military Working Dogs Serving Our Country
Overseas by the end of August. "Goal Reached!" God Bless Our Military Serving Our Country Overseas. Love
From Home In A Package!
September 2020 Donations:
Juanna Mendoza Guerrero: $100.00
Jill Beagle: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $50.00
In September, 100 Care Packages that included 91 snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Our Troops Overseas in
in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Greece and Sailors aboard the USS Sterett. When Mama Cindy adopts a New Unit,
snack Diddy Boxes are sent to All in the Unit in the first shipment. In September, 91 New Soldiers and
Sailors were adopted. My Goal was to be able to reach 5,000 Diddy Boxes since my Father-In-Law (Marine)
went to be with the Lord on January 10, 2009 in His Loving Memory. I reached that Goal and Then Some!
Now, I have shipped 5,064 Diddy Boxes to Troops Deployed Overseas. A Labor Of Love! Thank You For Your
Continued Support! "God Bless Our Military."
October 2020 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $136.00
Mt Morris Kiwanis: $100.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
Patty Lookup: $50.00
In October 36 Care Packages that included 10 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Deployed to Kuwait,
Afghanistan, Romania, South Korea, Greece, Africa and Navy Ships. There was 1,616 Assorted Greeting Cards
to send home or give to each other and 1,895 pieces of Halloween Candy. When Mama Cindy adopts a New Unit
Snack Diddy Boxes are First shipped for all in that unit. Gearing up for Christmas For Our Troops!
Thank You Everyone for your Continued Support! God Bless Our Military.
November 2020 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $430.00
American Legion Post 282: $250.00
American Legion Auxiliary Post 282: $150.00
Candice Ezard: $100.00
Juana Mendoza-Guerrero: $20.00
In November, 5,400 Christmas Cards packaged 10 per zip lock bag with a pen were shipped to Troops Overseas
so they could send Christmas Cards home to their Loved ones in time for Christmas. Included in those packages
was 323 Packages of cookies to enjoy while writing home. Howie Sexton did another Candy For Troops Drive
and 162 Pounds Of Candy was shipped Overseas. Packages went to Military Stationed Overseas In:
Afghanistan, Kuwait, Romania, South Korea, Africa, Greece, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Sailors aboard the:
USS John S. McCain, USS Sommerset and USS Sterett. Thank You Everyone For Your Continued Support
Of Our Troops Overseas! God Bless Our Military.
December 2020 Donations:
Ann Myers: $500.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
Toby Learn: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $50.00
Juana Mendoza-Guerrero: $30.00
In December, 66 Care Packages that included 11 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped Overseas to Our Troops
wrapped in Christmas Paper to help bring Christmas to them in a Care Package from Home. A total of
363 Soldiers Deployed to: United Arab Emerates, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
Greece and Troops aboard the USS Somerset and the USS John S. McCain. God Bless Our Military.
Thank You Everyone that Continue to Support Our Troops thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program.
Together, WE ARE Making A Difference In The Lives Of Our Military Serving Overseas!

January 2019 Donations:
Son's Of American Legion 1279: $200.00
After 50 News Readers: $135.00
Geneseo Kiwanis: $53.00
Christmas was shipped to New Units in January deployed overseas. Mama Cindy also baked for the Troops Overseas in January.
A total of 330 Baked Goods that were individually wrapped and then placed in zip lock bags to keep fresh were shipped
to three new units Mama Cindy adopted in Kuwait and Qatar. Dog Treats and Toys were sent to two new K-9 Units for
our Military Working Dogs deployed overseas. Also shipped was coffee to go (288 packs) and coffee creamers (288)
to give Our Troops a Much Needed Coffee Break! The rest of the candy donated by Howie Sexton (200 Pounds)
was shipped overseas to our New Units to enjoy. A total of 2,688 pieces were shipped. God Bless Our Military!
February 2019 Donations:
Harrison Lee Post 283: $500.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $80.00
February 14th marks the 14th year of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program of sending Care Packages to our Troops Overseas.
What started with one Soldier, one Country, one Unit, has now become sending Care Packages to Thousands of Soldiers
in Hundreds of Units, in 18 Countries. Valentines with chocolates and snacks were sent to Troops stationed in
Afghanistan, Qatar and Kuwait. Thank You For Your Continued Support Of Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas
thru the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Together We ARE Making A Difference in a Soldier's Life so far from Home.
God Bless Our Military!
March 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $55.00
In the month of March, 60 Care Packages were sent to Units Overseas in Korea, Afghanistan, Qatar and Kuwait.
Supplies were also shipped to our Military Working Dogs in Afghanistan, Qatar and Kuwait. A variety of Dog
snacks and toys were shipped in their Care Packages donated by the Schuylkill Veterinary Hospital in
Pottsville, PA. The variety of travel snacks were sent in their Diddy Boxes donated by the Campbell
American Legion Post 1279. Together we are making a difference in a Soldier's Life! God Bless Our Military!
April 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $489.95
In the month of April, 21 Care Packages were sent to Troops Overseas in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Qatar,
A total of 1,336 assorted Dog Treats and pull toys were shipped to our Military Working Dogs to Units in
those countries. The Made In America Store Customers donated 478 pairs of Military Wig Wam Socks Valued
at $5,196.00. Wig Wam Socks are now packaged and are being shipped to Our Troops Overseas to Units in
Kuwait and Qatar in April. Thank You For Your Continued Support!
May 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $155.00
Donald Detmer: $100.00
A total of 39 Care Packages were shipped to Troops Overseas in Afghanistan, Korea, Africa and Kuwait.
Mama Cindy adopted 155 more Soldiers in two Units Overseas. One New Unit, 976 Girl Scout Cookies and
1,625 pieces of hard candy was shipped. The other New Unit was shipped Snack Diddy Boxes and New Socks.
Mama Cindy so Enjoys Spoiling All of her Adopted Military Children. Thank You All For Your Continued Support!
God Bless Our Military.
June 2019 Donations:
Richard Bondi: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $85.00
NO packages were shipped to Troops in June. Mama Cindy had Dental Issues and Medical Issues. Dental is all
taken care of and I am "Cancer Free". Thank You Father! I did create "Bundles For Babies" for Noyes Hospital
and "Preemie Bundles For Babies" for Strong Hospital NIC Unit. I also created items to fill Gift Baskets to
help local Fund Drives. Mama Cindy will be flooding "Care Packages" to Our Troops Overseas in July.
Thank You Everyone For Your Prayers Of Healing & Strength!
July 2019 Donations:
Forged Alliance Riding Club Fingerlakes West Chapter 18: $1,705.00
After 50 News Readers: $420.00
Mark Brooks: $375.00
Cindy's Customers: $50.00
The motorcycle club Forged Alliance Fingerlakes West Chapter 18 did their "First Annual" bike run for Our Troops
and Veterans. They raised $1,705.00 to help ship Care Packages to Troops Overseas and Supplies for Our Homeless
Veterans. The After 50 News Readers donated $420.00 in monetary funding and a Truck Load of Supplies for All
of the Mama Cindy Soldier Programs. Mark Brooks of Leroy had a BBQ Fund Raiser for Our Troops Overseas.
He raised $375.00 to help cover the shipping cost of Personal Care Items shipped to Our Troops Overseas.
A total of 36 Care Packages weighing 336 Pounds ere shipped to our Troops Deployed Overseas. Together
We Are Making A Difference In A Soldier's Life Overseas. Thank You For Your Continued Support!
August 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $185.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
A total of 43 packages weighing 173 pounds were shipped to Our Troops Overseas. Personal Care Items,
Writing Materials, Snack Diddy Boxes and K-9 Treats and Dog Play Toys were sent to Units in
Kuwait, Africa, Afghanistan and Qatar. Mama Cindy is sending Care Packages to Our Two Legged Soldiers
and our Four Legged Soldiers Serving Our Country Overseas. God Bless Our Military!
September 2019 Donations:
Ann & Carlton Myers: $1,000.00
After 50 News Readers: $103.00
Geneseo Kiwanis: $33.00
Cindy's Customers: $10.00
A total of 77 Care Packages that included 54 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas stationed
in Afghanistan, Korea, Kuwait, Africa and Qatar. Personal Care and Foot Care Products along with New Socks
were included in those packages. Dog treats, dog biscuits, tennis balls and rope toys were shipped to our
K-9's Serving Our Country Overseas. Mama Cindy has adopted Replacement Units just in time to spoil them for
the Holidays. God Bless Our Military. Thank You For Your Continued Support Of The Mama Cindy Soldier Program!
October 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $40.00
A total of 27 Care Packages that included 18 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Our Troops Overseas in Afghanistan
Kuwait and Qatar. The Livonia Dollar General did a fund drive in September for Our Troops Overseas. They Collected
536 items valued at $1.00 each. A total of 1,444 pieces of candy were packaged 25 pieces per zip lock bag. A total
of 9 Large Flat Rate Boxes were shipped to our Troops. The cost of shipping ($166.02) was paid by the Forged
Alliance West Motorcycle Club. A perfect example of Home Town Support For Our Troops Serving Our Country Overseas.
Mama Cindy hit 50,000 pounds of supplies shipped to our troops. 25 TONS! WOW! Thank You Everyone For Your Support!
November 2019 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $438.00
Gail Houghtaling: $300.00
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #282: $150.00
Richard Goetzman: $100.00
Dawn Anita Good: $100.00
Kathleen McIntyre: $100.00
Richard Bondi: $100.00
James & Beverly Slocum: $25.00
In the month of November, a total of 4,300 Christmas Cards packaged ten per package with a pen (weighing 143 pounds) were sent
to Troops Overseas in enough time to send home to their Loved Ones back home for Christmas. Howie Sexton did another Candy Fund Drive.
A total of 5,314 pieces were shipped to Troops Overseas 25 pieces per zip lock bag. Our K-9's and Handlers also received goodies.
Our Military Working Dogs received Dog Biscuits and Rope Pull Toys. Their Handlers received Christmas Cards, Hot Chocolate,
Christmas Chocolates and Candy Canes. Mama Cindy continues to send Christmas to Our Troops Overseas both December and January.
Also, in January, Mama bakes for Our Troops. Thank You for all the baking supplies donated. Mama is ready to Bake! God Bless Our Troops!
December 2019 Donations:
Carlton & Ann Myers: $2,000.00
Harrison Lee Post 283: $500.00
Francis M. Dalton Post 282: $250.00
Stephen Atterbury: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $88.00
Helen Wiedemann: $50.00
A total of 72 Care Packages that included 55 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas in December. New Socks and
Snack Diddy Boxes were wrapped in Christmas Paper so that Troops would have presents to open for Christmas. Hundreds
of Christmas Cards signed by supporters of our Military were enclosed to each Soldier. A total of 2,551 pieces
of chocolate, hard candy and candy canes were included in those packages. Mama Cindy adopted new units in
Norway, Italy, Qatar, Africa and Afghanistan. Now, Mama Cindy has shipped care packages to Troops in 20 Countries
since 2005. Thank You for your continued support of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program sending Care Packages to
Our Troops Overseas. Together, we are making a difference in a Soldier's Life Serving Our Country Overseas.
God Bless Our Military Men, Women and Military Working Dogs.

January 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $63.85
In the month of January, a total of 113 Care Packages were shipped overseas to our Troops. Mama Cindy baked
for all her Troops. Friendship Bread, Brownies and a Variety of Cookies. In Loving Memory of my
Father-in-law, My Marine, I shipped 102 Diddy Boxes with His story shared of His Diddy Box when received
Serving Our Country Overseas. A total of 3,800 Diddy Boxes have been shipped to Our Troops In His
Memory Since he went to be with the Lord on January 10, 2009. God Bless Our Military, Past, Present and Future!
February 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $90.35
Mama Cindy once again shipped 100 Snack Diddy Boxes to Troops Overseas. A total of 103 Care Packages were shipped in February.
Valentine Cards created by Nazareth College Students were put in each Diddy Box. Veterans Funeral Care located in Clearwater
Florida held an Always Remembrance Service and collected snacks and personal care items for Mama Cindy's Soldiers.
They shipped this Wonderful Donation to New York and Mama Cindy has been filling the Diddy Boxes with the variety of
snacks donated. God Bless Our Military and All who donate to the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Together We Do Make A Difference!
March 2018 Donations:
Mt. Morris Kiwanis: $201.00
After 50 News Readers: $120.65
Cindy's Customers: $31.96
Mama Cindy once again was able to ship 100 Snack Diddy Boxes to Troops Overseas. A total of 106 Care Packages were shipped
in March. Thank You to Debbie and Steve Kervin for your Trunk Load of Donations. Valentine Chocolates you donated went into all
102 Diddy Boxes. The K-9 Supplies went to a K-9 Unit in Afghanistan. Baby Blankets and Stuffed Animals were put into the
"Bundles For Babies" and donated to Noyes First Steps Program at Dansville Hospital. Five Boxes of K-9 Supplies were shipped to
Mama Cindy from the Schuylkill Veterinary Hospital in Pottsville, PA. They will be prepackaged and then packaged and shipped to our
K-9 Units Overseas in April. Thank You for your continued support of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. We can make a difference in a
Soldier's Life when we work together to support our Military Serving Our Country! God Bless Our Military!
April 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $601.14
Richard Bondi: $100.00
With your donations of supplies and funding for shipping, Mama Cindy was able to ship 105 Care Packages that included 78 Snack Diddy Boxes
to Our Troops Overseas. I was once again able to reach my goal of at least 100 packages shipped to Our Troops.
May 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers:$45.00
In May, 10 packages were shipped to Units in Kuwait and Afghanistan. Mama Cindy adopted a new unit in Kuwait of 24 Solders.
The Commander received one of my packages from a Chaplain and was provided information so Mama Cindy adopted all 24 in this unit.
I wrote a letter to each one, a story about Mama Cindy. The letter I wrote to Commander was to let him know I wrote letters to all in his
unit. I told them to share all the different stories about Mama Cindy and they will know the Mama that sends them packages. I sent enough
supplies for all 24 also. God Bless Our Military!
June 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $204.70
In June, 18 Care Packages that included 12 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops Overseas. Packages were shipped to Troops in
Afghanistan, Kuwait and Africa. Included in those packages were Therapeutic Craft Kits for Veterans. Craft Kits sent were:
wooden pen kits, football kits, valor kits and belt kits. In their down time, they can create fun things that they can use
even overseas. God Bless Our Military!
July 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $385.00
In July, Mama Cindy sent 7 Care Packages to a New Unit in Afghanistan that included 6 Snack Diddy Boxes. Boot Insoles, Wig Wam Socks
Boot Insoles and Regular Socks were shipped to this unit. The After 50 News Readers donated a Truck Load of Supplies and $355.00
in monetary donations. So far, in 2018, a total of 462 Care Packages have been shipped to Our Troops Overseas. Thank You
For Your Continued Support Of Our Troops Overseas!
August 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $110.00
A total of 31 Care Packages that included 12 Snack Diddy Boxes were shipped to Troops in Kuwait, Afghanistan and Africa. Another
New Unit was adopted by Mama Cindy and packages were sent to them in August. All Units received Wig Wam Socks and Boot Insoles.
Thank You for your continued support of Troops Overseas through the Mama Cindy Soldier Program. Together We Are Making A Difference!
September 2018 Donations:
Richard Bondi: $100.00
United Methodist Church Of Dansville: $100.00
After 50 News Readers: $30.00
A total of 29 Care Packages that included 12 snack Diddy Boxes was shipped to our Troops Overseas in Kuwait and Afghanistan. 158 pairs
of Wig Wam Socks donated by the Made In American Store Customers in Elma, New York was also included in those packages. 200 Packaged
cookies were also sent to satisfy a Sweet Tooth! Together we are making a difference in a Soldier's Life Serving our Country
Overseas. Thank You for your Continued Support of the Mama Cindy Soldier Program.
October 2018 Donations:
No Donations in October
No packages were shipped to Troops Overseas. Mama Cindy did donate breakfast packages with two new pairs of socks to our In Home
Veteran's through the Meals On Wheels Program. Gearing up for Christmas for Our Troops Overseas and Veterans. God Bless Our Military!
November 2018 Donations:
After 50 News Readers: $450.00
Livingston County Morale & Activity Program: $422.00
In November, Christmas Cards were sent to our Troops Overseas so they can send Christmas Cards home to their Loved Ones in time for
Christmas. A total of 2,980 Christmas Cards were Shipped Overseas. Howie Sexton did a Halloween Candy Drive for the Troops. He collected
200 pounds of candy! A total of 2,800 pieces weighing 77 pounds have already been shipped to our Troops. Not to worry, Mama Cindy
also sends the Troops Toothpaste, Toothbrushes and Dental Floss!
December 2018 Donations:
Geneseo Kiwanis Foundation Inc: $1,000.00
Kiwanis Club Of Mt. Morris: $250.00
Francis Dalton Post 282: $250.00
After 50 News Readers: $95.00
Christmas goodies were sent to Troops stationed in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Africa. Christmas cards signed by Hemlock Fair Goers
were also shipped to Units Overseas with their goodies to snack on Especially Girl Scout Cookies Donated! Dog Treats and Toys were sent to our
Military Working Dogs in Afghanistan and Africa. Candy Canes were also included with chocolates. Christmas was shipped to five units
stationed overseas for Christmas. A little bit of Christmas from home to show our Support for Our Troops Serving Our Country so far
from home. Thank You For Your Service! God Bless Our Military!

If you would like to know more about the Mama Cindy Soldier Program from 2005-2011, go the section entilted:
You Can Make A Difference for more details.